First Offense DUI Charge Can Be a Scary Experience
Sunday evenings are often a time for get-togethers with friends to perhaps watch some football or just enjoy each other’s company. Such occasions often involve sharing alcoholic beverages with friends and some people may not be aware of alcohol’s impact on their ability to drive a motor vehicle. Such may have been the case in a serious crash in Tennessee on a recent Sunday evening that resulted in a DUI charge.
A 35-year-old man was driving west on I-840 and a semi carrying was traveling eastbound. The car reportedly crossed over the yellow line and crashed head-on into the tractor-trailer. The impact of the collision apparently caused a 300-gallon fuel spill that caused a traffic delay for a number of hours.
The driver of the truck was not injured. The fuel spill covered the roadway and ran into the grass median, which will need to be reseeded to replace the damaged greenery. The driver of the car and two additional passengers were transported to an area hospital with unspecified injuries. The driver faces charges of a first offense for driving under the influence.
Facing charges for a DUI can be scary and unsettling and this can be especially true if it is for a first offense. A person in such a situation may be in fear of losing one’s driver’s license and even a job. Consulting with a criminal defense attorney in Tennessee who is experienced in dealing with DUI defense can provide valuable information. A knowledgeable attorney can advise the accused as to his or her rights and also apprise a person of all available legal options.